Past Meetings and Events

Join us for our summer SCOPE meeting, Saturday June 22nd at the Stevenson Ranch Library

In case you missed the Placerita Nature Center presentation about co-existing with bears, we will have a re-cap presentation. It will not be as wonderful as the one that Jessica West from CA Fish and Wildlife gave at the Nature Center, but with all the recent local bear sightings, we thought a re-cap would be of interest to everyone. Also a presentation about the Wiley Canyon Project that will be at the Planning Commission on June 18th, but not up for an approval vote yet – Hear why. And an update, presentation on the Chiquita Canyon Landfill heating/fire event that is making regional news and what we are doing about it.

Saturday June 22nd 3-5 PM

Stevenson Ranch Library

25950 The Old Road, Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381

Join on Zoom:

For Santa Clarita Organization for Planning and the Environment (SCOPE) voting members, we will also be holding Board elections and a possible change to our bylaws to allow honorary Board members.

Here are SCOPE’s 2024 Goals:

SCOPE Goals for 2024 with action items

  • Chiquita Canyon Landfill
    • Reduce Trash Campaign
    • Bring your own bags to eliminate plastic
    • Increase compostable bag use
  • Preserve Heritage Oaks
    • Map our oaks in the Santa Clarita Valley
    • Create contest to name oaks
  • Wildlife Corridors
    • Work with a wildlife biologist to determine the best new focus areas:
      • Newhall Pass
      • Castaic Area
      • Mountain Lions
  • Flood Plains Protection
  • Track CEMEX Mine Developments
  • Continue work to protect the Santa Clara River

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these issues, please contact SCOPE at:

ECO Film Fest

College of the Canyons, March 9th
10 AM to 4PM
Eight Great Films to choose from –
And It’s Free!

  Why not bring the whole family and enjoy a day at the movies on the COC campaus. Film topic discussions will follow each airing. Find out how you can get involved locally by visitng display tables from local groups including SCOPE. Free parking and a food truck at noon or bring your own picnic.

Here are a few trailers to grab your interest:

Plastic Ocean 
I Am Greta
Racing Extinction

Join us for our Annual Goal-Setting Meeting

Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

Help us set our goals for 2024. We want to hear your ideas!

Cemex Mine coutesy SCV Signal

SCOPE Meeting Date Delayed to Saturday Feb 3rd.
Council member Marsha McClean will attend to discuss
City Open Space Strategy and the Cemex Mine in Canyon Country
Join us at the SCOPE 2024 goal-setting meeting and
help us decide our focus issues for the coming year.
3:30-5:30 Feb 3rd.
Stevenson Ranch County Library

25950 The Old Road, Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381

We will be attempting to livestream our meeting on Zoom here:

It is still best to come in person, as we aren’t sure this will work.

We will hear from Council woman McLean on the City’s efforts to oppose the CEMEX mine in Canyon County. This is a huge mining proposal in the eastern area of our Valley that would take down a whole hillside for aggregate. She will give us some background on the impacts, and an update on the current status. We also thought our membership would want to hear about the City’s efforts to purchase and preserve open space in our valley, how it is funded and strategy.

SCOPE updates and reports
4:30PM Presentation from Councilwoman Mclean
Set goals for for 2024
Discuss events, fundraising
New business from the floor
Adjoun 5:30PM

Elsemere open space wildlife corridor

SCOPE Summer 2023 General Meeting

Click here for experimental zoom of our meeting:

We’re in the park, so fingers crossed everything works!

Grab a camp chair or blanket and meet us in Pico Cyn under the “Old Glory” Oak , Pico Canyon Park
25600 Pico Canyon Rd, Stevenson Ranch 91381
Saturday Aug. 5th,  9:00AM
Breakfast refreshments will be provided


  • Introductions, reports
  • Update on SCOPE Activities and local issues including Pico Oak Landmark status, local development projects and wildlife corridor, SCOPE Radio and more.
  • Upcoming Events
  • Board elections—4 seats
  • Discussion of a potential bylaw change to add additional board members
    • Suggestions and ideas from the Membership
  • Meet other SCOPE members and find out how you can get involved to protect our local environment.
  • Think globally—act locally More Information: 661 255-6899
(so that we know how much food we need)

35th Anniversary Bash – June 11th

June 11th Sunday 3-6 PM SCOPE’s 35th Birthday Bash. Join us for Celtic harp music, speakers, an art and nature silent action, champagne toast and birthday cake under the oaks in a beautiful residential garden.

Old Glory Oak Event 

March 18th 1PM, Pico Canyon Park, Stevenson Ranch 91381

April – Community Earthday Event – Film Screening of “A Plastic Ocean” at the Stevenson Ranch Library. Did you miss it? You can still view the film on line here:

May 13th, Saturday, 10:-2:30 PM – We will have a tabling event at Placerita Cyn Nature Center Open House. This is a really fun family event with animal shows, gold panning, nature walks and more. Stop by our booth and say hello, or better yet, consider volunteering for a few hours handing out information. We would love to see you.