Here are SCOPE’s 2023 Goals:
SCOPE Goals for 2023 with action items
- Legislative
- CEQA Works Coalition – workshop about CEQA and environmental laws
- Water Advocacy
- Wildlife Corridors
- Newhall Pass
- Castaic Area
- Mountain Lions
- Plastics and Recycling
- Legislation
- Plastic Bag/Film Collection at Grocery Stores?
- Work with grocery stores
- PSA posters
- Proper Recycling Education
- Work with County Recycling program in schools events
- Monitor Chiquita Air Quality reports
- Continue work to protect the Santa Clara River
If you are interested in getting involved in any of these issues, please contact SCOPE at:
SCOPE Goals for 2022
At our January Goal Setting meeting, SCOPE members voted to focus on the following long term goals for 2022:
1. Continuing work to ensure the viability of local wildlife corridors and the Los Pinetos highway undercrossing.Many animals, including mountain lions, have been killed trying to cross I-5 and Highway 14. We want to ensure they have a safe way to get to the other side of the road. You can read more about wildlife corridors here.
2. The Year of the Tree! John Quigley spoke at our meeting about his 2002 tree sit action to save the Old Glory Oak Tree and the importance of big trees to carbon sequestration and slowing climate change.He will be organizing a 20th year celebration and needs volunteers. Many members suggested additional oak actions, from acorn planting to a tour of big trees in the Santa Clarita Valley, to a book reading of Douglas Tallomy’s “The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of our Most Essential Native Trees”.
3. Continue our efforts to preserve and protect the Santa Clara River.
4. We will also continue our work on plastic pollution and local planning issues including Newhall Ranch and Chiquita Canyon Landfill.
SCOPE Goals for 2021
At our January Goal Setting meeting, SCOPE members voted to focus on the following long term goals for 2021:
1) Continuing our work to preserve the Santa Clara River,
2) Protecting wildlife corridors in the SCV and promoting wildlife bridges over or under the hwy 14 and I-5 freeways to protect humans and animals. Paul Edelman, Deputy Director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, spoke at our January meeting and made suggestions as to where crossings would be important. Wildlife bridges save animals and protect humans from accidents involving animals. Watch the video here of the successful wildlife bridge over the I-80 in Utah. We need a bridge like this here to save our mountain lions, bears, etc.
3) Working to reduce plastic pollution and promoting alternatives
SCOPE Goals for 2020
At our annual January goal setting meeting, SCOPE members decided to focus on plastics again this year and to possibly hold a conference on this issue in the fall.
- We will work to support the two pieces of legislation on plastic that did not make it through the legislature last year, SB 54 and AB 1080, the California Circular Economy and Pollution Reduction Act, introduced by Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez and Senator Ben Allen. (We urge everyone to write or call their legislator and request that they support these bills)
- We will join with Greenpeace locally by “targeting” our Target stores to get rid of their plastic bags.
- We will form a committee to promote a wildlife bridge across the I-5 freeway in an area where mountain lions, bears and other migrating wildlife have lost their lives to freeway traffic.
- We will continue our work on Chiquita Canyon Landfill and the Santa Clara River.
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